SystemTrayMenu Serial Key Full Version

By default, the fastest way to find and open files and folders on a computer is via the Start Menu. However, if you are looking for an alternative, you can try SystemTrayMenu, as it provides you with a handy menu located in the system tray.

One of its most important features is its portability, since this offers you the flexibility to carry it with you on a removable USB thumb drive.

Download SystemTrayMenu Crack

Software company
Rank 3.7
118 3.7
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 1221
Systems Win 7, Win 7 64 bit, Win 8, Win 8 64 bit, Win 10, Win 10 64 bit

As soon as you launch the app, you gain access to the root folder you specified in the Settings window, and assuming the same location exists on each computer you typically work on, you can immediately browse its contents.

Another handy aspect of SystemTrayMenu is that you can display and hide it using a dedicated hotkey. If you do not like the default combination or if it triggers a conflict with a previous utility, you can easily change it by simply entering the new hotkeys.

You can also set it to automatically run at Windows startup, so you can enjoy its functions without needing to open it manually every day.

If the source directory comes with sub-folders, you can rest assured that you can access their contents as well, since SystemTrayMenu Keygen supports them as well. Moreover, due to the integrated search field, you can quickly find a certain item, which can be quite handy when dealing with very large folders.

You can even customize the app's behavior so you can launch files with a single mouse click, instead of the double-click typically required by the operating system.

All in all, SystemTrayMenu can help you save a lot of time when you need to easily find and open files and sub-folders from a chosen location. This way, you can launch all the items you might have previously placed to the root folder, no matter if they are shortcuts, scripts, documents and so on.


  • #222: [BUG] Argument Handling
  • #131: [BUG] Microsoft Store Autostart not working
  • #221: [BUG] Loading icons not updated after search and revert search
  • #209: [BUG] Icons of shortcuts not displayed correctly


Alessia, 30 August 2021

how to use SystemTrayMenu serial?

Ginevra, 19 August 2021

Tack för SystemTrayMenu seriell

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