Reginald Crack & Keygen

Reginald might sound like a stereotypical butler name, but in fact, it's an application that could help any user become more productive, or have better, quicker results when looking for something, online or offline altogether. This application launcher seems to adopt a different view of the classic formula. It can help the user with many small but important aspects of daily routine, all while not being bothersome.

The idea behind this app is to allow the user to gain access to certain functions of their machine faster than before. This means that the center of the whole operation is represented by the app search bar. Here, you can issue commands either using the preset keywords or by creating your own. You can search all types of online databases in just seconds. Find your favorite actor on IMDB, search for the latest game from a certain series, jump directly to your friend's Twitter profile. There's no doubt about the number of shaved seconds you'll win.

Download Reginald Crack

Software company
Rank 1.0
134 1.0
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 891
Systems Win 7, Win 7 64 bit, Win 8, Win 8 64 bit, Win 10, Win 10 64 bit

Reginald Keygen can also help the individual execute certain simple tasks from within its search bar. Calculations are possible, and so is accessing various apps. In fact, you'll probably find it difficult to readjust yourself to the classic Windows search app. Launch full web links from within the app, avoiding any time loss opening your browser and accessing the link might cause in the first place. Reginald Keygen can also display your IP address and offer stock information through special keywords. Typing these in will offer you the above-mentioned information in a jiffy.

Bringing the app search bar into view will require the use of a key combination. This can be changed to whatever you feel suits your needs. The combination possibilities are more than one would ultimately expect. Dark mode and light mode themes will make it easy for Reginald to blend in with your OS, and the timer will keep reminding you of important duties you will need to fulfill. Reginald is, by all means, a jack of all trades, useful for all users who desire to be even quicker while operating a PC.


  • Added:
  • Added ability to close open applications by using the quit command
  • Fixed:


Alexandre, 14 October 2021

спасибо за кейген для Reginald

vito, 11 October 2021

Gracias por Reginald serial

Gloria, 06 October 2021

how to download Reginald keygen?

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