Volumey Crack + Activation Code Download

One of the common issues most Windows confront with daily is adjusting the sound volume for the apps and connected devices. While sometimes you can barely hear the sound on a browser tab, other times the volume is simply too loud.

Volumey is an app that provides a simple way to take control of the volume on all audio-capable hardware and software on your system.

Download Volumey Crack

Software company
Rank 5.0
150 5.0
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 1209
Systems Win 10, Win 10 64 bit, Win 11

Once you install the app via Microsoft Store, you can access it from the System Tray. By default, the app uses the main theme of your operating system, but you can easily change that from the Settings to dark or light. By simply clicking on it, you can preview all active apps and devices along with the set volume for them. As you probably hinted, you can adjust the volume by moving the corresponding bar to the desired volume.

The app allows you to configure global hotkeys for controlling the volume of output devices and programs. In fact, you can easily configure hotkeys for increasing and decreasing the volume for each app you are using frequently. Moreover, the tool includes quick shortcuts to the sound settings as well as the sound control panel and hence, you can make sure that you are currently using the right output device.

A noteworthy feature of the tool is that you can leave the global volume at 100% and control the setting for each app launched. To put it simply, you can limit the volume of application to any preferred value from the Misc setting. The option can come in handy for loud apps, such as games, for instance.

All in all, Volumey Keygen is a simple and straightforward tool that enables you to manage everything related to the sound volume of both hardware and software connected to your computer.


  • Changing default output device
  • Changing default output device via hotkeys
  • Rework settings layout
  • Prevent window clipping with the taskbar


Domenico, 23 September 2021

спасибо, работает)

Mary, 30 August 2021

Merci beaucoup!

Tiziano, 21 August 2021

thanks for the patch for Volumey

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