Windows11DragToDesktop Crack + Keygen Updated

With the Windows 11 launch announcement, many have focused on the new features and some are actively exploring the new operating system via the official preview releases. What came as a shock for the latter is that some of the features everyone grew accustomed to in Windows 10 are completely missing in Windows 11. In fact, some users even claimed that the new OS may feel like a downgrade.

Windows11DragToDesktop is a tiny tool designed to restore some of the commonly used features in the latest Windows version, namely to drag to the right corner to minimize the desktop. Given the role of the tool, it doesn't come as a surprise that it does not come with a fancy UI or advanced features. As the developer points out, the utility's role is to check the position of the cursor and minimize everything if the left click button is held.

Download Windows11DragToDesktop Crack

Software company
Rank 5.0
125 5.0
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 771
Systems Win 11

To run the app and enable this feature, users simply need to run the executable. A console window pops up and checks the position of the cursor and, if the aforementioned conditions are met, it proceeds to minimize all open windows and show the desktop. As indicated in the console window, the application closes itself after 5 seconds.


kaue, 21 October 2021


Daniela, 15 October 2021

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Giliard, 23 August 2021

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