LumoTray Crack With Keygen Latest 2024

LumoTray is a helpful application that manages to combine the general idea of desktop enhancements with the helpful features of desktop organizers. With this program, you'll get three specific parts. The first deals with creating custom menus, the second with desktop backgrounds, and the last with screensaver modes. The final goal of this program is to allow the user to create a unique virtual environment that will not only look better but will also be more functional.

The whole idea behind this particular application's first part is the ability to create custom menus that include your most used shortcuts without cluttering your desktop space. This means you'll be able to allow your desktop to look clean, adding your favorite images to this area without having to worry about icons, folders, and files. You can also create shortcuts to directories or items, not just games and programs. Each particular icon can be placed in a specific category, allowing for even more customization features.

Download LumoTray Crack

Software company
Rank 4.2
28 4.2
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 148
Systems Win 10, Win 10 64 bit, Win 11

If the first part dealt with organizing your desktop environment, the second and third work more on its looks. As far as backgrounds are concerned, your choice can be either static or dynamic. Dynamic refers to some sort of slideshow effect, in short. The same goes for the screensaver options. The app includes potential choices from YouTube videos, webpages, PDF files, NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day, and so on. Thus, the content you can use to customize your desktop is infinite.

LumoTray Keygen is an interesting application that combines three particular functions into one tiny package. This ultimately means you'll enjoy more functionality from the same compact application. In terms of nagging, this program does not interrupt one with useless notifications. As a result, you'll be free to use it whenever you feel the need.


  • Increased connection timeout on network request to prevent issues with slower connections


junior, 02 January 2024

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Miriam, 24 December 2023

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Giusy, 17 December 2023

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Alessia, 13 November 2023

спасибо, работает)

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