I Still Don''t Care About Cookies for Chrome Crack With Keygen Latest 2024

Cookie disclaimers may be necessary, but it should be clear by now that most people don't like them. How these pop-ups are displayed vary from website to website, with some domains using less insidious methods than others to get the user to acquiesce to their type of data collection.

The popularity of I Don't Care About Cookies is enough of an example to outline the people's dislike for cookie pop-ups, but its acquisition by Avast came as a not-so-good surprise to a good chunk of the user base, if the reviews are anything to go by. I Still Don't Care About Cookies for Chrome is a community-managed fork that works just like the original, without any Avast involvement.

Download I Still Don''t Care About Cookies for Chrome Crack

Software company
Rank 4.1
20 4.1
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 194
Systems Win 7, Win 7 64 bit, Win 8, Win 8 64 bit, Win 10, Win 10 64 bit, Win 11

Much like the original, this extension works to eliminate the cookie disclaimers that are so prevalent on today's internet. While it's inevitable to not come across them, using such a solution will at least hide them from view, so you won't have a giant pop-up at the center of your screen whenever you visit a new domain. This is compounded by the fact that, if you want to visit sites anonymously in Incognito Mode, you'll still be greeted by those invasive pop-ups.

Having this add-on will effectively make you forget about those cookie disclaimers in the first place, as the extension will deal with them behind the scenes, by either hiding, or blocking them altogether. Though some cookies will be automatically accepted, depending on the domain, no cookie deletion will occur, so you won't be logged out or redo anything on the sites you visit. You can whitelist certain domains, so you do have the option to tweak the cookies to your liking.

This extension will seem like a duplicate to some users: the original still works perfectly fine, so having something almost identical is quite redundant, at least at first glance. However, the original getting acquired by Avast is a huge thing to numerous people, as explained by the rampant one-star reviews of the extension. Having a community-managed option to fall back on — that accomplishes the same thing — is highly important to those users, which is what this solution seeks to deliver.

All in all, I Still Don't Care About Cookies for Chrome stands as an Avast-free alternative to the original I Don't Care About Cookies extension, for those who aren't fans of its acquisition, but still want the functionality.


  • Fixing reported scrollbar issues by @OhMyGuus in #10513
  • fixing scrollbar issues by @azgaresncf in #10542
  • Fixed merge mistake. by @OhMyGuus in #10554
  • Feature/manifest v3 block rules by @OhMyGuus in #10555


Renan, 22 December 2023

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William, 06 December 2023

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henrique, 04 December 2023

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Alex, 02 November 2023

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