Auto Quality for YouTube Crack + Serial Key (Updated)

Videos on YouTube come in various shapes and sizes, and the latter is especially important to consider when it comes to your bandwidth. Perhaps you're on a data plan and can't afford to play everything above 720P, or maybe you have such good internet that you immediately switch to the highest available resolution.

Switching to the preferred quality can be done manually, but what if you had an extension to do that automatically for you? Auto Quality for YouTube is just the tool for that: select your preferred quality, and every video will automatically play at that quality.

Download Auto Quality for YouTube Crack

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Rank 4.1
33 4.1
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 271
Systems Win 7, Win 7 64 bit, Win 8, Win 8 64 bit, Win 10, Win 10 64 bit, Win 11

This is an extension for Google Chrome, so all it takes to install is to add it to your browser from the Web Store. After that, you can start using the add-on and take advantage of its functions.

Clicking its icon will reveal the simplistic interface, which allows users to change the default quality of a video, as well as automatically pause clips upon navigating to their page.

There's also a YouTube Gaming feature, which applies your settings to the content played on that platform.  It's also worth noting that, while the Auto Pause Video function worked just fine for us, it's still in the experimental stage, which means that it's technically possible for it to fumble at times.

The video resolution will automatically be adjusted per your Default Quality settings in the add-on. During our tests, the clips were switched to our preferred quality automatically, so we can say that the extension was doing its job.

It's worth noting that, if the quality of a video is lower than your Default Quality setting, the playback will be in the highest available resolution.

Auto Quality for YouTube Keygen is a nice tool to have if you want to make your YouTube experience more comfortable.


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Nicholas, 15 December 2023

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Daniel, 07 November 2023

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