Meteor Modeler Crack Plus Keygen

Meteor Modeler is a specialized software solution that can assist you in your attempt to generate models and structures for Sequelize.

Despite being a database-oriented application, Meteor Modeler can still be used without any restrictions by novices as well as professionals, due to its intuitive and straightforward GUI.

Download Meteor Modeler Crack

Software company
Rank 4.1
29 4.1
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 263
Systems Win 10, Win 10 64 bit, Win 11

You can easily continue working on a previous project or create a new one by simply assigning it a name and a description. The next steps can be completed without any glitches due to the brief, yet informative, instructions you get when hovering the mouse over the available buttons.

Once you start designing your diagram, you cannot only modify its name, but also adjust its dimensions using solely the mouse. When you have several objects, you can create associations depending on your necessities.

You can begin with selecting the background and the associations colors, as well as the appearance of the text and the background for each added element. For each generated model, you can modify and personalize the fields, keys, and modules, along with the ORM, before and after scripts.

You can tamper with the settings of all the associations you set up, but you can also add notes and format the text as you see fit (adding hyperlinks and inserting images are also supported).

No matter how many objects you have created, Meteor Modeler Keygen allows you to hide them to get a better perspective on your entire project. You can make them visible once more just as easily.

All in all, Meteor Modeler can be of great use to all those who often work with Sequelize structures and want to simplify their workflow. Exporting the project to PDF can help you share the document with your colleagues without any extra effort.


geovane, 07 January 2024

спасибі за кейген для Meteor Modeler

Vittorio, 25 December 2023

спасибі за серійник для Meteor Modeler

Caterina, 04 December 2023

grazie mille per il patch del Meteor Modeler

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