MSSQL-PostgreSQL Sync Crack & License Key

In some circumstances, it is mandatory to store large amounts of data in different databases and, while that might not be a problem, keeping them in sync is an issue. Making modifications manually is not an option, especially if we are talking about large data sets. Fortunately, there are software tools out there that allow you to automatically synchronize the contents in two databases. MSSQL-PostgreSQL Sync is one example.

As its name clearly suggests, MSSQL-PostgreSQL Sync makes it possible to keep your two Microsoft SQL Server and PostgreSQL in sync. Two-way synchronization is possible, as you can synchronize the two databases both ways.

Download MSSQL-PostgreSQL Sync Crack

Software company
Rank 4.1
14 4.1
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 118
Systems Win XP, Win XP 64 bit, Win Vista, Win Vista 64 bit, Win 7, Win 7 64 bit, Win 8, Win 8 64 bit, Win 2003, Win 2008, Win 10, Win 10 64 bit, Win 11

Thanks to its wizard-based approach, working with this application is intuitive. The only mandatory requirement is to have the source and the target databases have equal structures, meaning that the tables that you need to synchronize must have the same columns, primary keys and unique indexes.

Working alongside tools such as MSSQL to PostgreSQL, which can help you create a copy of the MSSQL database to PostgreSQL, this application allows you to synchronize the two databases and, thus, create a backup copy of your data set on another server.

The first steps of the wizard require you to connect to both database servers: SQL Server and PostgreSQL. Support for both Windows and SQL Server authentication is provided. Next, you must enter the names of the databases you want to sync. The application can log its actions to file, provided you specify the name of the log file.

There are different synchronization modes. You can either opt for full sync on the first run or choose drop synchronization, meaning rows that are missing in the source table will be deleted. Once you select the tables to sync, the process can begin.

An automation tool such as MSSQL-PostgreSQL Sync Keygen can keep your databases in sync at all times, without a lot of hassle. Providing support for all versions of SQL Server and PostgreSQL, this application can sync individual tables bidirectionally. 


  • option to select source and target schema
  • SSL connection for PostgreSQL is supported
  • verified support for Azure PostgreSQL and Azure SQL
  • spatial data (geography and geometry) is migrated


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