spancopy Crack + Serial Number (Updated)

spancopy is a lightweight console utility that enables you to copy files to a given directory within a given threshold size. Simply put, the tool provides a quick way to copy files of a chosen size, while everything that exceeds the predetermined value is spanned over multiple directories.

In order for the operations to run smoothly, you need to make sure that certain criteria is met. For starters, the sizes of all the files included in the source folder must be less than or equal to the threshold. Therefore, it would be best to check the sizes before specifying the value. Each file is copied along with its path and respective directory, so the destination folder’s structure could be changed significantly.

Download spancopy Crack

Software company
Rank 3.3
28 3.3
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 160
Systems Win 10 64 bit, Win 11

In addition, the destination directory must have enough space so that all files can be copied successfully. Take note that the utility automatically creates a main sub-folder in the destination folder to avoid potential conflicts that could appear due to file names. You can easily identify it as its name follows a standard format, YYYYMMDDTHHMMSSMS to be more precise. The developer mentions that, if the aforementioned sub-folder already exists due to previous span attempts, it’s going to be removed.


Rodrigo, 22 December 2023

grazie mille per il serial

John, 11 December 2023

спасибі за патч для spancopy

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