MedicRadar Crack With Serial Key

When it comes to fast-paced online matches, most players seek a swift return to battle after being eliminated by an enemy. In a game with maps as vast as Battlefield 3’s, getting from the closest spawn point to your previous position can take long enough to allow the opposing team to capture more objectives, which is where a lightweight add-on known as MedicRadar comes into play.

With the Battlefield franchise relying on team-play for its multiplayer component, the squad-based class system lets each individual in a tightly-knit group pick up the role of a recon soldier for setting up spawn points, engineer for repairing friendly vehicles or support for maintaining suppressive fire and handing out ammo boxes.

Download MedicRadar Crack

Software company
Rank 4.1
23 4.1
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 195
Systems Win 10, Win 10 64 bit, Win 11

However, arguably the most important duty remains the medic class, capable of providing nearby players with healing packs and reviving them using defibrillators to quickly bring them back. Newer titles such as Battlefield 2042 display the presence of nearby medics to freshly eliminated players in an attempt to let them know if waiting for a revival is feasible.

Being an older iteration, Battlefield 3 lacks this particular functionality, which the mod at hand seeks to implement, given the absence of any other official updates capable of providing this feature. Thanks to the flexibility of the Venice Unleashed platform, server administrators can load this plugin alongside other extensions to modernize the game and bring it to newer standards.

Once implemented, the modification points out to downed players how far away the closest friendly medics are in meters and preview if they happen to be getting closer for the revive or chasing other objectives instead, before re-spawning. In terms of customization, admins may also increase the time in which players can wait for a medic to arrive at the scene, if needed.

In the game’s most popular conquest mode, one of the teams needs to capture and hold more objectives than the other while the enemy’s resources are depleted. As such, time is of the essence, making MedicRadar Keygen an excellent tool for turning the tides of battle in favor of those who have the patience to wait to be revived and return to their strategically critical positions.


  • Fixed radar UI not hiding when getting revived (thanks @SmartShots )


Gabriel, 04 December 2023

Thanks & Keep Visiting

luiz henrique, 21 November 2023

how to use MedicRadar keygen?

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