Coub Downloader Keygen Full Version

As a regular and active user of social networks, such as Reddit or Imgur, for instance, then chances are that you already have a collection of GIF files that you can use to react to posts. Then again, if you want to up your game a bit, then perhaps you can consider using coubs instead.

Coub Downloader is a tool designed to help you grab coubs from from any channel and user profile.

Download Coub Downloader Crack

Software company
Rank 3.7
42 3.7
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 306
Systems Win 10, Win 10 64 bit, Win 11

The tool is a console application, but do not fret as it is quite intuitive and easy to use, regardless of your experience with similar tools. After you launch the app, you are asked to add the input, which is the unique identification of the coub that you can find at the end of its URL link.

Before the actual download, the tool informs you that coubs in general have additional segment metadata and you should specify whether you prefer the app to grab that as well. As indicated in the console window, the segments for the crawled coubs are stored in a file dubbed segments.json.

According to the developer, you can grab coubs from a variety of sources, namely the ones you liked from a specific user profile, bookmarked coubs, channel’s reposts, your own list of coub URLs and coubs from any channel.

In case you want to download your own list of URLs, then you need to create a plain text file that you include in a folder and subfolder that are in the same directory as the executable. Essentially, the structure should look like CoubDownloaderCoubs-infomylisturl_list.txt, where the Coubs-info name is mandatory and mylist is optional and can be renamed to anything relevant to you. When asked for the input simply type nothing or mylist, as in the example above.

In the eventuality that you are a fan of coubs and would like to have them locally so that you can enjoy offline or post on any social media, then perhaps you can consider giving Coub Downloader Keygen a try.


  • Based on a recent issue I have added more checks to prevent crashing on invalid URLs. If you enter an invalid channel name or URL, it will just skip it and inform you about it.


Letizia, 29 December 2023

keygen के लिए Coub Downloader के लिए धन्यवाद

Marta, 25 December 2023

thanks for the patch for Coub Downloader

Thomas, 22 December 2023

Great job guys with such a nice website

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