WeebumConfig Crack & Serial Number

Despite the constantly decreasing price of hard disk drives that allows most websites to increase their servers’ storage size, many services still put limits on how large files meant to be uploaded on their end can be, with instant messaging clients and email platforms as primary examples.

As such, while many service providers make use of compression algorithms, those who want to considerably decrease the size of their videos before sending them without significantly degrading their quality can rely on a program known as WeebumConfig to convert their motion pictures to the lighter WebM format.

Download WeebumConfig Crack

Software company
Rank 4.1
23 4.1
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 184
Systems Win 10, Win 10 64 bit, Win 11

Launching the app summons a clean interface featuring a top toolbar where users can initialize the built-in file picker to select the folder in which the input video resides, thus making it easier to navigate through the directories instead of manually dragging and dropping the videos meant to be converted. Once the required FFmpeg multimedia conversion library’s location is either picked or manually pasted in the relevant text box, users can rename the output’s title to make sure it can be differentiated among other similar files subjected to the same operation before starting the execution process.

Similarly to terminal-based utilities, the program includes a timeline of the library’s actions that may come in handy when having to troubleshoot any issues or find the cause of unexpected anomalous behavior if necessary. Moreover, the middle section supports custom commands for those with experience in employing the FFmpeg framework, in case adjustments have to be made to alter the quality or size of the output.

Finally, in terms of improvements, certain tweaks to the app’s color palette would enhance the user experience, namely changing the aforementioned timeline’s green font to a shade that can be more easily distinguished from its stark gray background, alongside the inclusion of a dark mode for more comfortable nighttime workflows and the ability to resize and snap its window to the monitor’s margins when arranging active programs in grids.

Whether you want to shrink the size of a video before sending it to a friend via a chat app or email to meet the maximum number of megabytes allowed, or you are looking for a way to minimize the storage footprint of video albums when creating archives, WeebumConfig Keygen can be of use to convert your motion pictures into the lighter WebM format.


  • This release fixes a few small bugs with the program.
  • As always the priority is ease of use.


Carmine, 24 December 2023

Keep it up

augusto, 15 December 2023

Thank u very much

Carlos, 11 December 2023

muito obrigado pela keygen do WeebumConfig

Giusy, 04 November 2023

Tack för WeebumConfig aktivator

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