Turbo Image Compressor Crack Full Version

With all the advancements in storage technology, devices, and corresponding media holding capability, maintaining a good strategy for minimizing file size and attaining increased storage capacity still remains a constant requirement. Compression and archiving is one way of attaining such purposes, and Turbo Image Compressor, just as its name aptly suggests, was created specifically in order to enable users to reduce the file size of their image data, by altering their quality characteristics, and corresponding compression.

We truly enjoyed the simple and straightforward process that Turbo Image Compressor relies on. We also feel that it manages to maintain clutter at a minimum, while still retaining all the required elements and essential functionality.

Download Turbo Image Compressor Crack

Software company
Rank 5.0
30 5.0
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 263
Systems Win 10 64 bit, Win 11

From start to finish, one can easily add not one, but multiple images to the compression queue, parametrize the processing, and choose the output characteristics that control the properties of the resulting images.

When it comes to the potential weaknesses of the app, we could not help but notice the lack of a way to save the compression settings, which we believe might be beneficial when dealing with large volumes of data, and wanting to make iterative processing easier.

However, users can still rely on the fact that the application will remember the last used settings, and this way at least some of the processing hassle is eliminated, on the condition that the new image batch will require the same characteristics as the one before.

With its minimalist demeanor and capable features, this application can help you alter the characteristics of multiple images in no time, and in the end, achieve the preferred compression level.


  • New Features:
  • Ability to save the compression and layout configuration
  • Target file size is now available in the free version
  • Ability to create thumbnail images


Ginevra, 22 December 2023

Thank you very much

italo, 20 December 2023

Baie dankie vir die serial Turbo Image Compressor

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