Net Speed Checker Crack + Activator Updated

In the eventuality that you are experiencing slow speeds, connectivity issues or want to make sure that you don’t exceed your data limit, then you need a tool to help you keep track of your Internet usage. As the name suggests, Net Speed Checker is a tool that enables you to monitor the download and upload speeds without too much hassle.

The application comes with a small interface that is placed near the System Tray by default, but you can move it to your Taskbar or anywhere else on the desktop. Even before you can get started, the tool prompts you to select the network card that you want to keep an eye on. You can change that later on via the Settings.

Download Net Speed Checker Crack

Software company
Rank 4.7
36 4.7
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 331
Systems Win 10 64 bit, Win 11

The tiny GUI provides real-time information about the download and upload speeds, as well as quick access to the Settings. When one of the speeds you are monitoring exceeds the configured threshold, then the tools highlights the high data usage by coloring the numbers in red.

If you are interested in learning more about how data usage, you can access the Settings, where you can view the total downloaded and uploaded data. At the same time, you can check out the usage on various intervals, namely Today, last 7 days or last month, for instance. When looking for something specific, you can customize the interval.

For the time being, you can configure the program to notify you at every 1 GB of data usage. It would have been nice if you could customize the value.

Net Speed Checker Keygen is a simple-to-use program that can come in handy to anyone having a limited data plan they can’t afford to exceed. Nevertheless, the tool can also come in handy when you are tackling various connectivity issues and slow connections, as you can monitor in real time whether the changes and tweaks you are making are working.


Matheus, 31 December 2023

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James, 29 November 2023

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Gaia, 02 November 2023

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