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Markdown editors provide a quick way to create well-formatted content across platforms and, perhaps, that is the reason why there are dozens of them out there. If you are regularly writing code or complex notes that you share with others, it may be a good idea to look for one.

LineByLine is one interesting Markdown editor to check out, as it that packs all the functionality you would expect along with some extra features, such as ChatGPT integration.

Download MarkFlowy Crack

Software company
Rank 3.7
36 3.7
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 329
Systems Win 10 64 bit, Win 11

The program packs a sleek and stylish, yet user-friendly interface that is designed as a dashboard for easy access. The UI can be slightly customized via the View menu, as you have the options Dual and WYSIWYG. The latter is the default view you see when launching the app, whereas Dual splits the editor tab in two.

As previously mentioned, the app integrates ChatGPT, so it can come in handy for anyone who already incorporated the AI into their routine tasks. It goes without saying that you will need to activate it first by adding your API key via the settings. Once you have done that, you should be able to have conversations as usual and export all of them with a single click.

The app relies on the remirror editor, so you will get the same capabilities and advantages. More precisely, you will not have to worry about scalability, as the tool can handle a large amount of content efficiently. Furthermore, it makes the entire editing experience convenient and pleasant, as it includes syntax highlighting, auto-completion and formatting assistance, among others.

It is worth mentioning that the app is marked as WIP (work in progress), so you can expect some hiccups and partial features. All in all, LineByLine seems like a reliable Markdown editor tool that can come in handy for anyone looking to increase their productivity.


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Paul, 02 January 2024

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pablo, 08 December 2023

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sara, 02 November 2023

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