VBA Lock & Unlock Crack + Activation Code Updated

Be it that you’re working on an extensive project and wish to ensure that you don’t accidentally alter the current configuration, or, just want to protect the said project from unwanted access, there’s more than one way to achieve that. The same goes for VBA, Excel projects, which can contain a number of various macros, interlinked with different functions and operations.

VBA Lock & Unlock, just as its name aptly suggests, will offer users a specialized tool for achieving the required protection for their VBA projects and subsequent macros, by either locking the said content or, unlocking it, accordingly. With the aforementioned locking mechanism, users can achieve protection against some of the most popular attack methods currently available.

Download VBA Lock & Unlock Crack

Software company
Rank 3.3
77 3.3
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 805
Systems Win 7, Win 7 64 bit, Win 8, Win 8 64 bit, Win 10, Win 10 64 bit, Win 11

The application supports VBA projects from Excel, Word, PowerPoint, as well as Access, and users can also restore such projects using the app. Aside from relying on the standard, password, or shared locking, available as default in the Office suite, one can also use the specialized locking mechanism of VBA Lock & Unlock Keygen.

There are two modes available, one for locking, and one for hiding the specified files. However, users must be aware though, that once hidden, the standard module source will not be available anymore, until the process is reversed.


  • Implemented measures to prevent false detection as malware.
  • Copy guard and optimization tool have been removed.
  • Target is limited to Excel.
  • Microsoft Office 2013 or later


Andre, 04 December 2023

Merci beaucoup!

Alice, 05 November 2023

VBA Lock & Unlock crack için teşekkürler

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