Background Muter Crack & Activator

Despite multitasking being one of Windows’ greatest strengths, certain capabilities which would make power users’ lives much easier are often missing, leaving the task of filling the functionality gaps to the community.

One particularly useful utility is Background Muter, which, as the name implies, automatically mutes windowed applications that are placed in the background of the currently active program in order to let the user focus on one audio stream at a time for better concentration on the most important tasks.

Download Background Muter Crack

Software company
Rank 4.0
38 4.0
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 289
Systems Win 10 64 bit, Win 11

The program has been designed from the ground up with portability in mind, granting an advantage to users who like taking their setups anywhere they go. When launching the executable, the user is met with a straightforward interface, laying all the settings unhindered by menus or sub-menus, in a resizable window.

On the left side, an experimental dark mode toggle sits atop the option of activating a logging section on the bottom of the window or inside a dedicated Command Prompt console window. In the Mute Exception Changer section, users can either move the active windows to the exception list in order to let them keep playing media when in background, or they can add them to the list of programs that get muted automatically when shifted out of the cursor’s focus.

This small tool can be useful to anyone who wants to find discrepancies between two audio files with the same content rendered in two different formats and quality settings. Furthermore, it can also help with different workflows based on sudden changes in mood, letting users quickly toggle between soundtracks or podcasts focused on vastly different topics or themes.

Lastly, it can enable some users to quickly focus on different audio inputs at the same time, providing a great multitasking experience whenever needed.

For those looking for a way to enhance their productivity and quickly toggle various audio files on or off while on-the-go, Background Muter Keygen may be the best choice they can make.


  • Fixed random sleep issue #30
  • Improved logging functionality by adding timestamps
  • Improved GUI


samuel, 07 January 2024

Merci beaucoup!

luciano, 04 November 2023

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Marcio, 02 November 2023

salamat sa inyo para sa keygen Background Muter

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