DSAdvance Serial Number Full Version

Regardless of whether you are a professional or casual gamer, chances are that you might use a gamepad for an enhanced gameplay. Since the idea is to make the play better and more comfortable, then you might want to consider using a gamepad emulator.

DSAdvance is a tiny tool designed for some of the most common gamepads and joy-cons out there, including Nintendo Pro, DualShock 4 or DualSense. The tiny utility is based on the ViGEm driver and provides an easy way to emulate sticks on the touchpad or allows you to use aiming or driving by tilting.

Download DSAdvance Crack

Software company
Rank 4.5
45 4.5
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 369
Systems Win 10 64 bit, Win 11

It is worth mentioning that the program incorporates various working modes where you can control the motion driving or motion aiming. To access them you need to press the plus and minus buttons of your controller. On a side note, the developer points out that adjusting the brightness can be done without pressing any button. Moreover, if you own a DualSense, then you also have the possibility to check the current battery status on the default profile.

It is important to note that the program does not work with all games, as some of them are simply incompatible with the so-called mouse aiming and a gamepad simultaneously.


  • Added intermediate DPAD в†— ↘ ↙ в†– directions for key presses. Now for retro games you can emulate keystrokes from 1 to 8 to quickly switch weapons or whatever.
  • Added dead zones for triggers, you can change them in the config file, parameter DeadZoneLeftTrigger and DeadZoneRightTrigger. You can view the value, when spontaneously triggered, by using the ALT + F9 keys.
  • Added minimum values for trigger and stick key presses.
  • Fixed the backlight level after checking the battery status, using ALT + I.


Luisa, 02 January 2024

muito obrigado pela serial do DSAdvance

mary, 31 December 2023

Thanks a lot for sharing DSAdvance!

David, 24 December 2023

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sara, 08 December 2023

спасибо за патч дляDSAdvance

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