Ruler Crack + License Key

Ruler, just like the name implies, is a tool for users to enjoy on any Windows platform. The idea is to make measuring virtual objects easier. The application is made up of one simple tool, a ruler, which can log some data with the help of a few markers the user will place when required. The application allows one to measure various objects on the screen using a horizontal or vertical tool positioning.

Great if you'd like to transfer measurements from a virtual perspective to a real one. There is an extra option allowing users to keep the ruler on top of any other window. Markers you've previously placed can be cleared with the click of a button. Generally, it is easy to work with this tool, so long as what needs to be measured is defined well on-screen and does not exceed the limits of the ruler itself.

Download Ruler Crack

Software company
Rank 4.1
35 4.1
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 168
Systems Win 7, Win 7 64 bit, Win 8, Win 8 64 bit, Win 10, Win 10 64 bit, Win 11

The ruler itself does not include any bells and whistles. Its skin is basic and can't be made less visible, since it does not allow any transparency effects. In the end, this tool, like any other out there, has a clear purpose, and that is to measure stuff for you the user.

Although one might think there is no real need for rulers in a virtual environment, they'd be wrong, especially since computers rely on math and positioning, both strong elements in a ruler's design. Besides, this application works as a converter in the sense that you get to understand how certain objects measure in terms of real spacial units, not just pixels, and bytes.

Ruler Keygen is a simple application that can help one better understand virtual distances on their desktop, bringing more light on how relatable measurements can be when compared in a virtual and real environment.


breno, 07 January 2024

спасибо за кейген для Ruler

Mark, 25 November 2023

great works on my PC. Regards

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