HomeSync Crack With Keygen

HomeSync is a tool for Windows 7 users in need of a solution that can synchronize Windows Media Center playback and recording across multiple machines within the same network. It could prove handy for individuals who still use WMC to stream movies, shows, or whatever content to all linked devices within the household.

For now, the app can only sync Resume Points, or in other words, it can resume Recorded TV playback on any machine. Some features are still in development, like Recording Brokering and XMLTV Guide Import & Distribution, while others are still ideas.

Download HomeSync Crack

Software company
Rank 4.1
30 4.1
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 143
Systems Win 7, Win 7 64 bit

HomeSync comes with a client-server architecture. Install the server on the main machine, the one running Windows 7, and the client on the satellite devices. Before the installation, however, one has two main steps. First, a static IP will be necessary for the server host. Second, make sure the Recorded TV Folder is shared and accessible for all client machines.

Of course, the pre-configuration steps are a bit more complex than presented, and taking a look at the full instructions is advised.

All in all, HomeSync Keygen's sole purpose is to aid users with their WMC synchronization, playback, and recording across multiple machines.


  • Added ability for clients to request list of recordings present on server, and automatically add them to library (ensure that recorded TV folder is added to library first).


Luciano, 29 December 2023

спасибо, работает)

Adriano, 04 November 2023

how to download HomeSync serial?

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