Cessna Skyhawk and Skycatcher Checklists Crack With Serial Number 2024

Cessna Skyhawk and Skycatcher Checklists is not your average checklist application. As you might have imagined, judging by the name and the icon, this application deals with aircraft, two to be more precise. It aims to offer individuals a friendly interface for use with your Cessna Skyhawk and Skycatcher planes. It can prove helpful in keeping track of all checks you have completed before, during, or after a flight. Be warned though that this does not include landing configurations and emergency checklists.

The concept is quite simple. If generally, we're in charge of creating the checklists themselves, this time they are given to us as is. You'll simply have to decide which one will be used, the one for the Cessna Skyhawk or the one dealing with the Cessna Skycatcher. During your routine checks, it helps to have this app running on a PC or tablet, also keeping in mind the app is touch-friendly.

Download Cessna Skyhawk and Skycatcher Checklists Crack

Software company
Rank 4.1
24 4.1
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 188
Systems Win 8, Win 8 64 bit, Win 10, Win 10 64 bit, Win 11

Aside from these checklists, which can also be cleared or reset once you're done with them, the app can also provide some basic performance specs for either of the planes. Things like how high it can go or how fast are just the tip of the iceberg. Such information is helpful, especially if you don't have the luxury of spending time browsing through thick manufacturer handbooks.

As far as the checklists are concerned, these are very detailed. You get a whole set of them, each with particular steps that have to be checked. Both lists start with preflight inspection parameters and conclude with post-landing lists. It is clear that this application was not designed to replace any of the already existing instincts and capabilities of the pilot, but to rather aid in double-checking that everything is functional.

Cessna Skyhawk and Skycatcher Checklists Keygen might not be a very useful type of app, especially if you don't pilot or own any of the two planes. Still, it is one of the most interesting takes on the checklist element.


  • We are continuing to update this application. Please contact the developer with any suggestions and feedback that should be incorporated in the next release.


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