Get Geo-Coordinates Crack + Activation Code (Updated)

Get Geo-Coordinates is one of those applications that makes it simple to understand what its purpose is right after reading its name. With this program, you can get accurate coordinate readings for use with whatever project you might have. You can even save your coordinates, giving them a suitable name and a subsequent purpose. Once you register a bunch of them, you can view each particular entry on an associated map.

The magic behind this app resides in its ability to track coordinates either through a network or a GPS chip/device. The program will offer the coordinates both in terms of cardinal points and plus/minus values. The altitude is also displayed, as is the accuracy level calculated to a precise value. The readings are instantaneous, meaning you won't have to waste time on some difficult and long procedure. Do keep in mind that you will need some sort of internet connection for this program to work.

Download Get Geo-Coordinates Crack

Software company
Rank 4.1
32 4.1
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 174
Systems Win 10, Win 10 64 bit, Win 11

Don't forget that you can always save coordinates as you see fit, meaning that you can create a whole list of them. Once created, each entry can be edited and also viewed on a map, which the app will promptly launch. The share button is also an interesting feature, since you can give your coordinates to anybody you'd like to. One last cool feature has to deal with the fact that you can transform your coordinates list into a checklist. Thus, one can check these coordinates as they are once again visited.

Get Geo-Coordinates Keygen is a simple application designed for those who deal with coordinates on a daily basis. It has helpful features that extend the application's abilities far beyond its original goal. In terms of usage, it can easily be adapted to fit many scenarios.


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willian, 22 December 2023

спасибо за кряк

cristiano, 11 December 2023

спасибо за серийник для Get Geo-Coordinates

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