LIFX-Control-Panel Crack + Serial Key Download

LIFX-Control-Panel is a tool designed to help users control LIFX LED lights inside their home and is a replacement for the official application that is no longer receiving support for the latest versions of Windows.

According to LIFX, the lack of support for their official tool is due to the fact that they teamed up with another team and now the lighting can be managed via the Brilliant Smart Home Control. Users who prefer no using the aforementioned app, but that would still like to manage LIFX lighting can do so via this tiny tool.

Download LIFX-Control-Panel Crack

Software company
Rank 3.7
45 3.7
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 399
Systems Win 7, Win 7 64 bit, Win 8, Win 8 64 bit, Win 10, Win 10 64 bit, Win 11

In addition to basic functionality that enable lighting monitoring and bulb light changing, users can also take advantage of some advanced settings that allows them to modify the color palette, add keybinding, change the screen color or manage color Eyedropper. Other noteworthy features include presets, dominant screen color, stop effects and music color, in case the lighting is configured to react to music. Regardless of the color of choice, the hue, saturation, Kelvin and brightness can be modified.

The application is as easy to use as it looks, but bear in mind that once launched the first time, the app may need a couple of minutes to scan and discover the LIFX lights in the network.


  • Added the Color Cycle feature
  • LIFX conntect to the WiFi network


Fabricio, 07 January 2024


sidney, 29 November 2023

Thanks for LIFX-Control-Panel crack

Aelington, 13 November 2023


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