requin Crack With License Key

Considering that it helps improve concentration, memory and logical thinking, it does not come as a surprise that chess is a game enjoyed by millions of people of all ages worldwide. Nowadays, fans of the game get to enjoy and practice versus the computer and requin is a small tool that falls into this category.

First of all, it is important to note that this is a console app and hence, it may not appeal to all users. If you rely on visuals or are just getting started with the game, then you may need to view the board so that you can anticipate your opponent’s plan of action and come up with a plan of your own. Therefore, it is not suitable for all chess enthusiasts.

Download requin Crack

Software company
Rank 3.0
30 3.0
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 218
Systems Win All

On the other hand, if you already have a plan of action, then there is a chance that the tool might appeal to you. Using it entails typing in your next move on your preferred console app. Some of the features of the tool include Generation of Legal Moves, Checking, Searching and Pruning.

Essentially, after all the pieces are generated on the board, the app checks if the moves are legal. The tool relies on an engine to evaluate the positional value of the pieces and uses a quiescence search to determine forcing moves.

The developer points out that the utility includes a few weaknesses, the most noteworthy being that sometimes it does not know how to end and win trivial endgames. At the same time, the app is not always aware of the pieces’ activities and the kings’ safety.

All in all, requin Keygen is a lightweight console chess application that enables you to practice the game in a different way. While it does include a chess engine, the developer points out that it is currently weak, but there is always the possibility that this may change in the future.


  • Move ordering in alpha beta search to improve search performance
  • Better evaluation function, takes into account a few new things
  • King safety (Open files near the king)
  • Passed pawns


Damiano, 20 December 2023

спасибо за кряк

aurora, 17 December 2023

thanks for the patch for requin

Elias, 11 December 2023

salamat sa inyo para sa keygen requin

Giacomo, 02 November 2023

salamat sa inyo para sa serial

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