Memory Dumper Crack + License Key Updated

Memory dumping is commonly used in debugging, forensic analysis or reverse engineering and entails copying the contents of process RAM to a file. While the process may be complicated in some cases, there are tools out there that can considerably simplify it.

Memory Dumper is a lightweight app that enables you to dump the memory of a process and then extract it using regular expressions via a console interface.

Download Memory Dumper Crack

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Crack size ~ 500KB
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The app doesn’t require installation, so simply download and launch to get a list of the active processes on the current machine. At this point, you will need to enter the desired process PID or name along with the file with the regular expressions. Take note that you need to create the regular expression files separately by yourself, or enter the exact name of the one you have.

Being able to employ regular expressions is a great feature, as it enables you to better search and manipulate various pieces of information within a process’s memory. This can be particularly useful for debugging, for instance, where you may need to locate specific patterns or values.

The tool does come in handy in the aforementioned example, as it spears you the trouble of looking for specific values manually. Besides, the app can be used in multiple instances, including after locking or logging out of an app, which give you more flexibility.

The developer mentions that the tool is capable of multithreading, so you could consider performing multiple tasks concurrently and faster. Then again, the speed of the process depends on a number of factors, including the number of cores on the processor as well as number of files, size of dump files or regular expressions and their complexity.

Based on these factors, Memory Dumper Keygen might not be able to complete a task instantly. Sometimes, the cleaners can take up to 10 minutes to free the unused memory after the last action.


  • Dump a process memory and extract data based on regular expressions.


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vito, 08 December 2023

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