SerialTool Crack + License Key (Updated)

Serial ports play a significant role in the communication between various devices and the software one might be using, regardless of the field of application. With a prevalence in the audio processing field, the COM (UART) ports are used widely for embedded development, due to the fact that most systems will handle serial connectivity natively, or through emulators and converters. SerialTool, just as its name aptly suggests, will cater to such specific requirements.

This application was designed specifically in order to provide users with a specialized tool that can enable them to implement a wide range of applications through their COM ports, and perform embedded development.

Download SerialTool Crack

Software company
Rank 4.1
32 4.1
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 252
Systems Win 7, Win 7 64 bit, Win 8, Win 8 64 bit, Win 10, Win 10 64 bit, Win 11

Featuring logging functions, and timed packet sending for multiple instances, it can be employed for performing application stress tests and Arduino controller testing, with “AutoAnswer” functions. Aside from handling multiple serial port instances simultaneously, the application offers both ASCII and HEX terminals, multiple buffers storage, timed multiple sending, as well as several templates.

Regarding the CRC standards, three instances are currently supported: 8, 16, and 32, each with different corresponding subsets. Last but not least, an alarm section comes implemented within the app, enabling users to define specific parameters that can serve as triggers for notifications.


  • Major Enhancements:
  • Modbus Client. Starting from version 1.5.0, we have introduced the Modbus Client, which can handle RTU and ASCII via the Serial Port, as well as Modbus TCP.
  • SerialTool also supports Raw Command sending in the Modbus module.
  • 1-month trial for PRO
  • Multiple Serials: 2
  • Timed Multiple Buffer Send: 9 times
  • Multiple Buffers: 2
  • Auto Answer: 5 times
  • Alarms: 5 triggers
  • CRC autofill: CRC 16 MODBUS
  • Modbus Client: Max 5 commands
  • Nagscreen


alex, 25 December 2023


vito, 06 December 2023

Tack för SerialTool seriell

Enzo, 04 December 2023

спасибо за кряк для SerialTool

José, 05 November 2023

SerialTool seri için teşekkürler

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