ContextMenuNormalizer Crack + Serial Key Updated

While Microsoft’s latest iteration of their flagship operating system undoubtedly fixes plenty of issues and improves upon a wide variety of elements compared to its predecessor, many users still wish to postpone the upgrade until 2025, for a variety of reasons, such as the start menu structure or taskbar’s more advanced functionality.

As such, those still using Windows 10 may have noticed the context menu highlight’s lighter shade that makes it harder to focus on the text underneath, which is where ContextMenuNormalizer comes into play, applying a darker gray color to the area in question.

Download ContextMenuNormalizer Crack

Software company
Rank 4.1
27 4.1
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 158
Systems Win 10, Win 10 64 bit, Win 11

Once downloaded, the program’s archive contains three extra files accompanying the main executable, meant to ease the interaction with its core feature, starting with a shortcut to its repository for those who may want to check for updates from time to time that enhance the functionality or adapts the framework according to the latest changes done by Microsoft to the operating system.

Installation is relatively straightforward, with the developer including a batch file that can be executed in order to implement the altered highlight version on the spot, thus bypassing the need for a constantly running system tray icon or a graphical user interface. What is more, not only does the script run automatically at startup for your convenience, but the archive also contains an uninstallation command file in case some users apply custom themes that could interfere with the color applied by the utility.

Moreover, given its portable format and lightweight memory footprint, the program can be easily added to on-the-go USB flash drive-powered setups for IT personnel who want to be able to apply the color change while working on a client’s device and revert it by the end of the troubleshooting session. Finally, since its source code is openly available, those with programming experience can make suggestions or fork the repository to create custom versions featuring changes that fit their preferences.

If Microsoft’s latest update to the Windows 10 operating system makes it harder for you to carry on your mouse-focused workflow that relied on the functions outlined in the right-click menu, then ContextMenuNormalizer Keygen may be the perfect solution that makes the highlighted sections that the cursor hovers one easier to read and differentiate by applying a darker gray color over its white background.


  • Fixed an issue when separators were displayed with artifacts on immersive context menus opened with keyboard


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Leo, 25 November 2023

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