Get Paths Crack + Serial Key Download

Have you ever needed to get the full path to an exe or any other file? Or maybe you have so many you've forgotten what they are and don't want to open them one at a time to find out. Get Paths is an application that automatically will copy the path to the clipboard and let you quickly view both text based and image files.

Files types supported are txt, bat, log, diz, reg, frm, vbp, vbw, ctl, bas, bmp, gif, jpg, jpeg, ico, tif, tiff, wmf, emf, png, mix and exe.

Download Get Paths Crack

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Rank 2.7
136 2.7
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 1438
Systems Win All


alessandro, 04 December 2023

thanks admin

Massimo, 04 November 2023

working serial. thanks

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