Colibri Browser Crack With Activation Code 2024

With a fresh and sophisticated approach toward providing a smooth web browsing experience, Colibri Browser eliminates the usual tabs and large buttons that take up too much space on the screen. Subsequently, pages get loaded faster and the browser has improved stability over time.

The browser has a borderless window with small buttons discretely placed on the title bar for going forward and back, refreshing the current page, adding links to create a list of favorites (bookmarks), performing new web searches, and for toggling the search / bookmarks view. These commands can also be activated with keyboard shortcuts.

Download Colibri Browser Crack

Software company
Rank 3.4
974 3.4
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 7983
Systems Win 7, Win 7 64 bit, Win 8, Win 8 64 bit, Win 10, Win 10 64 bit

The whole feature set of Colibri can be explored in a menu from the upper-left corner of the window. Since tabs are eliminated, the notion of multiple opened tabs is dispelled. Instead, you can open multiple windows and even start a private browsing session (indicated by a purple "P" in the titlebar).

Creating a list of bookmarks means creating a Colibri account because this information gets synced, so you will be able to access favorite websites from any device running Colibri. Links can be organized in different lists, opened in the default web browser, and sorted (latest, today, this week, this month, most viewed).

Web searches are ran though Google but you can switch to Bing, Yahoo, DuckDuckGo, Baidu, Yandex or Naver from the settings menu. As far as privacy is concerned, you should know that, unlike other browsers, Colibri blocks third-party cookies and sends "Do Not Track" requests by default. You can also clear cookies, website data and cache manually, as well as enable Adobe Flash Player if it's required on certain websites (disabled by default).

In addition to seeing more content on screen, thanks to tabs and other buttons that are now out of the way, it's evident that page loading speed is significantly improved. RAM usage was low in our tests.

The project is currently in beta development stage and welcomes feedback. In addition to Windows, it can be installed on macOS. Colibri Browser Keygen is one of those tools that demonstrates less is more. It can be at least used as a secondary web browser that you can turn to when you want to enjoy a distraction-free and fast browsing experience.


  • Upgrade Chromium to version 91.


George, 12 December 2018

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Rachele, 18 October 2018

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Renan, 01 July 2018

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Olivia, 22 November 2017

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