Tungsten Crack + Serial Number Download

Tungsten is a simple to use application that allows you to navigate the Web, visit your favorite websites and open several pages is separate tabs. With a clear-cut interface, this Internet browser offers you a pleasant experience accessing websites, saving bookmarks or recording webpage history.

Tungsten is designed to offer you a pleasant experience while browsing the Internet, in a customizable environment. The software is built on a double rendering engine platform, thus allowing you to switch between Blink and Trident rendering. Moreover, it allows you to drag and drop a tab to the center of another page, in order to create a group. Multi-level tab grouping is also supported.

Download Tungsten Crack

Software company
Rank 2.1
890 2.1
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 8161
Systems Win 7, Win 7 64 bit, Win 8, Win 8 64 bit, Win 10, Win 10 64 bit

You may easily switch between the two rendering engines, for different feedback. For instance, the Blink engine (Chromium) offers high speed, stability and support for HTML5, whereas Trident (Internet Explorer) features convenient backward compatibility. Moreover, Tungsten supports chromium extensions and apps, that you can easily access through the Store shortcut.

Tungsten Keygen is reliable, convenient and allows you to access multiple webpages at the same time, thanks to its capability to open them in separate tabs. Additionally, the software can split its interface and allow you to compare two pages in parallel. Moreover, it allows you to create tab groups, save the configurations, then load them at a later time.

You can save bookmarks, or favorites, by clicking the star symbol near the address bar, then view the list in the main menu. Tungsten is also capable of importing bookmark data straight from other browsers, such as Internet Explorer, Chrome and Firefox. Additionally, it can protect the privacy of your data, since it does not send out such information, when performing updates, for instance.

Tungsten offers a convenient viewing mode, thanks to its splittable window, allowing you to perform this action on groups or on tabs. You can view two tabs/groups at the same time, in horizontal or vertical split. Its convenient features make Tungsten a reliable and trustworthy Internet browser.


  • Modified
  • update the Blink engine to 71.0.3578.98
  • update SQLite to 3.26.0
  • wallpaper and gesture trail drawing method changes from GDI+ to Direct2D.


jonathan, 30 May 2017

muito obrigado pela patch

raphael, 26 February 2017


Monica, 14 December 2016

Baie dankie vir die crack

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