starQuiz Crack + Serial Number

starQuiz is a comprehensive yet user-friendly application that comes in handy especially for teachers, to create computerized quizzes with multiple question types, such as fill in the blank, true/false, multiple choice and response, essay or matching.

It's wrapped in a straightforward and intuitive layout divided into a question list on the left side of the window, the currently selected query, type, number of given points, and the answer type that varies based on the inquiry.

Download starQuiz Crack

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Rank 2.6
905 2.6
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 8119
Systems Win All

When the program is run, you have the option to open a sample, to get familiarized with all the functions quicker. You can also go straight to designing a new one, by inserting different questions to best reflect your subject, along with the option to import exams from RTF and TXT file formats and export them.

The tool lets you add from the "Quiz" settings, authoring credentials for each exam, such as title, full name, password, if necessary, and instructions, as well as choose if points should be shown during testing. Plus, you can set a time limit, randomize the inquiries order, show the results to students, as well as hide the desktop while in test mode. In addition, the resource panel enables you to insert images, movies, sounds and explanations.

For multiple choice and select functions, the app lets you enter up to 26 possible results, fill in the blank can have more than one correct answer, and for numeric, you have the choice to allow an error interval and award a specific score for partial resolution. Last but not least, you can change the interface view, by personalizing it using different font types, styles, colors and sizes.

After the test is finished, is recommended to save all the modifications as running it might close it. "Give to the students" button displays a window from where you have to select the testing method, such as on the Internet, computer, local network, paper, or HTML page. For each category, the program lets you choose if students should input their name or pick from a predefined list.

All in all, starQuiz Keygen is a reliable and accessible application designed to provide an efficient and quick method of creating personalized tests or surveys using various question types, images, sounds and videos.


Cid, 22 October 2018

how to use starQuiz crack?

Adele, 10 June 2017

thanks for the patch for starQuiz

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