Round-Robin Mailer Crack With Activator Latest 2024

In case you happen to be in charge of a company that communicates with its clients online via email, you may know that it gets difficult to keep every staff member informed about the received messages. Moreover, the situation gets even grimmer once the number of emails starts rising and, soon, manually forwarding them to the desired contacts becomes unfeasible.

Round-Robin Mailer is an application that comes with a solution to this problem, by enabling you to automatically read and forward every email to any number of contacts. In addition, it also allows you to use any kind of email service to do so, regardless if you have a private domain or you are using a public service like Gmail or Hotmail.

Download Round-Robin Mailer Crack

Software company
Rank 3.6
874 3.6
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 8949
Systems Win 2K, Win XP, Win Vista, Win Vista 64 bit, Win 7, Win 7 64 bit, Win 8, Win 8 64 bit, Win 2003, Win 2008, Win Server 2012, Win 10, Win 10 64 bit

As you might expect, in order to be able to send out emails from your computer, you first must configure the settings and establish a line of communications between the application and the mail server. Among the supported technologies, the utility is capable of working with POP3 and IMAP4, as well as SSL encryption and manual server authentication.

If you want to customize the periods in which a staff member is eligible to receive the forwarded messages, you can make use of the built-in scheduler. Thus, you are able to pinpoint the exact day of the week and time interval between which the selected contact is to receive the emails, as well the percentage of them he is able to read.

Another interesting feature available within the program is its ability to record statistics about the number of emails that pass through the application. Using this, you can easily generate detailed reports, graphs and tables containing data about email traffic, as well as display them in graphical form for an easier overview.

Thanks to the wide array of redirection options and the included scheduler, Round-Robin Mailer Keygen is a complete solution to your email trouble. In addition, the modern interface allows anyone take advantage of the included features, regardless of the experience level of the user.


  • If an incoming email cannot be deleted due to a server/connection error, it will now be deleted during the next cycle. Previously, the email would be forwarded again to another staff member.
  • Permanent Relationships: added the "Client Email Source" setting, which controls where in the email the client email address is obtained from. There is now an option to take this address from the email body instead of the sender.
  • Rules: added the "Relationship In Body" rule action, which overrides the new "Client Email Source" setting.
  • Schedule: the specification now allows the time to run past midnight. "Tue:9:00p-4:00a" is an example.


Max, 27 December 2016

muito obrigado pela serial

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