ETU SQL for DB2 Crack + License Key

ETU SQL for DB2 is an advanced tool that specializes in managing IBM DB2 databases. It enables you to connect to a database, as well as modify its configuration, tables, charts or contents in a comprehensive and user-friendly environment.

One of the strongest features of ETU SQL for DB2 is its user-friendly interface, since it enables you to perform required modifications to a database even though you do not own advanced skills in the field.

Download ETU SQL for DB2 Crack

Software company
Rank 4.4
825 4.4
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 6498
Systems Win XP, Win XP 64 bit, Win Vista, Win Vista 64 bit, Win 7, Win 7 64 bit, Win 8, Win 8 64 bit, Win 2008, Win Server 2012

The software’s interface includes a previewing area of the current database, a table viewing box, as well as a statement field that displays T-SQL content. You can easily insert a new table, edit an existing one, add rules or procedures and create charts or schemas. The software allows you to quickly create data backups, as well as to search for duplicate results. The powerful searching function is capable of detecting whether the output schemas contain duplicate results.

Several tabs enable you to handle each function of ETU SQL for DB2, including quick searches, data management, operations monitoring, configuring a table’s layout or create access grants for specified users. You may easily view a schema as an extensible tree structure, in which you may select tables and easily modify them.

The software is designed to be used by both administrators and other users who do not have extensive knowledge about database management aspects. It enables you to add or edit fields, import or export data, calculate advanced sums and even create a new database. The software features a powerful calculator function, which allows you to insert formulas in particular tables.

ETU SQL for DB2 Keygen allows you to access a data base or a specific part of it, such as a table and edit information. Moreover, a table’s structure can be easily changed, by adding or removing columns, rows and fields.

You may easily import data from other sources and view it in vertical rows. The purpose of this function is to facilitate the access to information and to help you quickly compare or modify data, if necessary.

Whether you perform a search or a modification of a database, you may export the results at any time, for future reference. Save the changes you made in a CSV file, text document or a spreadsheet. Also, the software can generate multiple types of charts, including pie, bar or funnel models.

ETU SQL for DB2 is a useful instrument for work, schools, colleges or other circumstances that require accessing and modifying a specific database. The software enables you to operate a database, analyze contents, perform advanced searches as well as edit information stored within, even though you do not know SQL language or do not own database management skills.


  • Fixes & enhancements:
  • New Discard Partially Changes
  • New Edit Row in Window
  • New List of User Connections


valentina, 22 April 2018

спасибі за патч для ETU SQL for DB2

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