Opus Tools Crack Full Version

Opus Tools provides a set of command-line applications meant to facilitate working with OPUS streams. With its help, you can encode, decode, and analyze audio files in the OPUS format, all from the console interface.

Every tool in the package must be launched via the Windows console. Even though no classic interface is available, the syntax is simple, and all the options are carefully explained, so you should have no problems using the applications, especially if you are at least a bit familiar with the Windows console.

Download Opus Tools Crack

Software company
Rank 4.0
738 4.0
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 5744
Systems Win 7 64 bit, Win 8 64 bit, Win 10 64 bit

The encoder can convert WAV, AIFF, or raw PCM files to OPUS format. The syntax requires you to provide both the input and the output file, while the encoding customization options are not mandatory.

There are a few additional settings you can tamper with, including the bitrate of the resulting audio file and its encoding mode, the maximum frame size, the expected packet loss, and the number of channels (mono or stereo). Moreover, the Opus Tools encoder enables you to change the song metadata, starting with the title and the artist, continuing with the genre, and ending with the album art and the comments.

The decoder can reverse the process and convert an audio file in WAV or raw PCM format out of the input OPUS file. In the absence of the output file format being specified, the Opus Tools Keygen decoder will send the result to the sound card and play it.

Just like in the case of the encoder, a few extra options are there for more advanced users. The decoding can be forced at a specific sampling rate, the gain can be adjusted, and a WAV header can be attached to the output.

Aside from decoding and encoding, Opus Tools also comes with OpusInfo, a fork of the ogginfo application specifically designed for OPUS files. This lightweight console app can provide valuable information about the OPUS stream.

Opus Tools comes in handy for those who want to manipulate OPUS streams easier. It allows the encoding and decoding of such files and comes with console applications that are easy to use and understand.


camilla, 14 May 2017

Opus Tools کے سیریل نمبر کیلئے شکریہ

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