OptiPNG Crack + Serial Key Updated

The quality of pictures, on the one hand is dictated by the device used to capture it. On the other hand, some formats can store quality options a bit better, but most of them can be altered with specialized applications. For instance, OptiPNG comes with several optimization levels which can accessed from a command line interface.

An elevated instance of the Command Prompt is not necessarily required to benefit from the set of features, so a quick method of access is to hold down the Shift key while right clicking inside the source folder to reveal the Command window option.

Download OptiPNG Crack

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Apart from the PNG format, the application also works with others like GIF, PNM, BMP, and TIFF. Conversion is possible for either of the mentioned formats. Optimization is done on up to 7 different depth levels in a lossless process, and the right switch needs to be used, with the default level being two.

No information is lost in the process, with the output showing reduced size, but no considerable loss in quality, if any. An additional switch can be used to run in verbose mode, and show copyright info. EXIF data is kept intact, and original files are not replaced, with the possibility to choose a different output format.


  • Upgraded libpng to version 1.6.34.
  • Upgraded zlib to version 1.2.11-optipng.
  • Upgraded minitiff to version 0.2.
  • Fixed a buffer overflow vulnerability in the GIF decoder.


Sarah, 02 January 2019

Gracias por OptiPNG keygen

Vitor, 22 March 2018

Baie dankie vir die keygen OptiPNG

danilo, 11 September 2017

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eleonora, 08 February 2017

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