Mgosoft PS Converter Crack With Serial Number Latest

Working with highly specific formats usually limits overall accessibility, especially in terms of sharing, as you might need certain applications to open them from other locations.

Fortunately, there is a way of accessing your documents without sacrificing significant content, by relying on third-party software, such as Mgosoft PS Converter.

Download Mgosoft PS Converter Crack

Software company
Rank 3.0
775 3.0
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 6274
Systems Win XP, Win XP 64 bit, Win Vista, Win Vista 64 bit, Win 7, Win 7 64 bit, Win 8, Win 8 64 bit, Win 10, Win 10 64 bit

The main window of this program comes with basic controls that you can quickly familiarize yourself with. The top section features a few buttons that allow you to add individual items, entire folders' worth of files, remove entries and adjust settings. This application also features drag and drop support, thus simplifying your experience.

You can specify the output folder and modify additional parameters from the corresponding sections. It is possible to choose between PDF and various other image file types as the desired output format.

This application allows you to convert PS files to either PDF or image file types, so you can freely access them from a wider spectrum of locations without relying on specific software solutions.

Thanks to its batch processing capabilities, it is possible to import multiple files and queue them for conversion, so you do not have to load items manually each time. Additionally, you can set this program to convert directly to the source directory, instead of specifying an output folder.

You can adjust various parameters for each resulting format by accessing the dedicated section. Certain settings, such as resolution, color type, size, rotation and separate directory creation can be easily configured and applied to your documents.

Furthermore, resulting PDF files can be encrypted by toggling this function from the configuration window and specifying a password. Custom watermarks can be applied on PDFs as well, for increased protection.

In conclusion, Mgosoft PS Converter Keygen is a lightweight, reliable tool that can help you convert PS documents to various file types including PDF and many image formats.


Luciano, 01 July 2018

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junior, 06 June 2018


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