EarthView Crack + Activation Code

EarthView is an application built specifically for generating desktop wallpapers and screensavers. This program animates your desktop by displaying beautiful images of the earth.

Although it bundles many configuration settings, the user interface is straightforward and you can easily navigate throughout the app.

Download EarthView Crack

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Rank 3.9
2480 3.9
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 65204
Systems Win All

The developer offers many tweaking options for configuring wallpapers and screen savers.

EarthView allows users to configure their wallpapers and screen savers by specifying the parameters for the multiple modes available: the day or night view, clouds, cities, background, and a smoothing style.

The day mode allows you to adjust the visibility and density of the urban areas, pick brightness, contrast and color, and adjust the brightness and size of the sunlight reflection. It is also possible to make several changes for the atmosphere mode by selecting thickness, refraction, outer and inner density and color.

The night view can be customized in terms of equatorial or Polar Regions, colorization, night lights and earth shadow.

It is also possible to activate the display of clouds ant to set the opacity of the cloud layer, density and the size of the clouds and intensity of the shadows cast on the earth surface by the clouds.

Another option activates the display of the cities with their local times. You can choose what cities should be displayed from a predefined list.

Moreover, you can change the background color of the program and choose optimized filtering for reducing pixilation.

The app provides a single map (seasonal) but you can download some more from their official website (photographic, realistic, artistic or scientific).

There are two projection types to choose from: map and globe and you can also select the viewpoint (e.g. random camera position, view from the sun).

You can make EarthView Keygen update at a specific time interval, use idle CPU time and low memory mode, start with Windows and many others.

To sum up, EarthView is a useful tool for generating desktop wallpapers and screensavers. It displays beautiful views of the earth and bundles many configuration settings.


  • New: updated city database


Alexander, 07 September 2018

Baie dankie vir die serial EarthView

Aline, 21 June 2018

EarthView seri için teşekkürler

Claudio, 19 December 2017

working keygen. thanks

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