Notepad+ Crack + Serial Key (Updated)

Notepad+ takes a simple approach toward providing you with a clean and intuitive working environment for opening and viewing plain text documents, as well as creating and saving new files.

This is a Metro application specially designed for machines running Windows 8, 8.1 and 10, including touch-supported devices, thanks to the fact that you can tap its buttons instead of clicking them.

Download Notepad+ Crack

Software company
Rank 1.0
774 1.0
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 6494
Systems Win 8, Win 8 64 bit, Win 10, Win 10 64 bit

When it comes to security, the basic text editor is trusted by Microsoft, which means that you can effortlessly download and install it from the Windows Store. Afterward, it can be pinned to your Start Screen or Menu for fast access.

As far as the Modern UI goes, Notepad+ adopts a professional-looking blue theme, a color tone that actually reminds us of Microsoft Office 2016. It has a familiar workspace for editing text.

Right-click somewhere on the screen to bring up a horizontal, blue bar on the bottom of the window, which contains three buttons: for opening an existing .txt document using a built-in file browser, saving the current doc by indicating the destination and file name, as well as for clearing all visible text to restart from scratch.

Furthermore, Notepad+ Keygen has an integrated spellchecker, so it underlines misspelled words. By right-clicking such a word, you can replace it with a better option, ignore or add it to the dictionary to prevent it from being underlined in future sessions.

Besides the fact that you can select, cut, copy and paste content, it's possible to take a screenshot of the visible text and share it using another Modern UI you have installed, such as an email client or Microsoft OneNote.

All in all, Notepad+ proves to be a simple notepad tool. It can definitely help you focus on work by creating a distraction-free zone and eliminating any unnecessary elements. On the other hand, it doesn't have any kind of customization preferences, such as increasing or decreasing the text size or changing its color.


sofia, 19 September 2018

спасибо, работает)

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