Note and Explain Crack + Serial Key Updated

Note and Explain is a cross-platform application that can be used during presentations or lessons to provide visual support for explanations, in the attempt to have all your ideas get through to the target audience.

The application has multiple practical uses: it can act as a virtual blackboard for teachers, enabling the latter to show handwritten explanations to their students or it can play the role of a note taking application. Alternatively, it can be used as a simple drawing tool for children to have fun with, also providing an option to save the drawings in PNG format.

Download Note and Explain Crack

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Rank 3.8
702 3.8
Crack size ~ 500KB
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Systems Win All

Focusing on simplicity and ease of use, Note and Explain displays a simple interface with accessible options. The drawing toolbox is displayed in the lower side of the main window, where you can easily choose the desired pencil color, select the eraser or the highlighter.

One worth-mentioning feature is that Note and Explain Keygen can open multiple notes simultaneously, in different tabs. This way, you don't have to waste time erasing previously written explanations, but simply switch to a blank sheet to go to the next topic.

The toolbox includes pencils of all colors and even a rainbow color drawing tool. The pencil thickness can be easily customized and the grid can be re-drawn with the push of a button. Thanks to the highlighter tool, you can easily point out important things on your board.

Note and Explain is a practical application that can find its purpose in anyone's toolbox. Whether you are holding a presentation or simply want to get an alternative to Paint, this application can be of help.


Rebecca, 26 December 2018

Note and Explain کے لئے پیچ کے لئے شکریہ

cyril, 21 December 2016

Merci beaucoup!

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