tinySpell+ Crack With Activator

Chances are that both your word processor and web browser come with spell-checking or auto-correct functions.

But, when it comes to writing while working with other apps, you can either rely on your spelling skills or you can try a program that can keep an eye out for writing mistakes for you, like tinySpell+, for example.

Download tinySpell+ Crack

Software company
Rank 3.8
750 3.8
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 8246
Systems Win 2K, Win XP, Win Vista, Win 7, Win 8, Win 10

tinySpell+ is an unobtrusive and lightweight piece of software that automatically checks what you type on the fly and prompts you whenever it detects a misspelled word.

Besides the fact that it works at system level, the second best thing about tinySpell+ is its unassuming nature. Subsequent to its installation, the app sits in your computer's system tray.

The application does not feature a main window per se, it only comes with a contextual menu that can be activated by clicking its icon and some small settings windows.

Getting to grips with the tool is as easy as possible, since you only have to know the following. Whenever it detects a misspelled word, it beeps and suggests a correction, then its icon changes color from white to yellow.

Despite being 'tiny', the tool packs an impressive amount of features and customization options. It automatically checks the spelling of any clipboard text, supports Hunspell dictionaries and remembers the last writing error.

On top of that, it allows you to add certain apps to the exception list and even add auto-replacements to the dictionary. You can search for online information about a certain word using services like Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

You can also set it up to ignore uppercase words, words with numbers, URLs, email addresses and file names.

On the whole, tinySpell+ Keygen is exactly how you want an application of this sort to be. It is efficient, easy to work with, lightweight and does not get in your way.

Additionally, it supports a large number of dictionaries and languages and it also comes packed with more features than you would initially expect.


Marco, 29 June 2017

thanks for tinySpell+ keygen

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