QxOrm Crack With Activation Code Latest 2024

QxOrm is a free, open-source and lightweight library that enables software developers to integrate Object Relational Mapping (ORM) into their C++ and Qt-based products.

It provides modules for communicating with databases via 1-1, 1-n, n-1 and n-n relationships, emulating reflection (introspection), creating C++ application servers, validating registered classes, and identifying memory leaks in debug mode.

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The library depends only on QtCore and QtSql, while the serialization engine is based on the Qt QDataStream class (used by default if _QX_ENABLE_BOOST_SERIALIZATION remains undefined). It has multiple features, such as support for binary and XML filetype. Access is provided to class definitions, retrieve properties and call class methods.

It's possible to select columns to get using my_relation { col_1, col_2 etc. }, boost serialization dependency using _QX_ENABLE_BOOST_SERIALIZATION, activate the QxService component to transfer persistent layers over the network using _QX_ENABLE_QT_NETWORK, create the QxOrm Keygen library without C++ RTTI type information using _QX_NO_RTTI, as well as define custom operators (such as <@ for PostgreSQL ltree type) using customOperator() in the qx_query class.

The library can be used with QxEntityEditor, a cross-platform graphic editing application (Windows, Linux and Mac OS X) which enables you to manage the data model. The Qt development framework and boost C++ libraries must be installed in order to use this tool.


  • Fix compilation issue with Qt 6.2+ (due to Qt JIRA : https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-92910), more details in GitHub issue #54
  • Support QSqlQuery::execBatch() method to improve performance inserting/updating/deleting a list of C++ instances in database (new optional parameter 'bUseExecBatch' available for functions : qx::dao::insert, qx::dao::update, qx::dao::delete_by_id)
  • New method in qx::QxSqlQuery class named setFctOnBeforeSqlPrepare() to define a custom callback function to modify SQL query before preparing in database
  • New callbacks functions available in qx::IxDataMember interface to customize SQL generated per data member (see an example in ./test/qxBlogCompositeKey/src/blog.cpp file)
  • Qt 4.5.0 or higher
  • boost 1.38 or higher (only *.hpp header files are necessary)


sara, 06 August 2018

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felipe, 25 May 2018

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pablo, 14 May 2017

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