DriverExtractor Crack & Activation Code

DriverExtractor is a simple-to-use program that provides a backup solution to your computer's drivers. It can be handled even by users with minimal background in software applications. You can use it when reinstalling the operating system, in case you have lost the CD with the original drivers.

The interface of the tool is based on a standard window with a plain layout, where a list of all installed drivers is automatically loaded upon initialization.

Download DriverExtractor Crack

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Rank 3.4
1323 3.4
Crack size ~ 500KB
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This list shows the name, version, date and provider for each driver. Basically, you can select any item from it, specify an output directory (hard drive or USB flash disk, for instance), and let DriverExtractor proceed with the backup procedure.

Unfortunately, only the registered version supports batch processing, so you cannot backup multiple drivers at the same time in the free edition. Once the task is done, you can check out log details in a plain text document.

Furthermore, you can view only the present devices in the list or show the ones with drivers from Microsoft, check out device properties, as well as access Device Manager. There are no other options available through this program.

DriverExtractor Keygen is pretty low-demanding when it comes to the system memory and CPU, hence it doesn't affect the computer's overall performance. It has a good response time and may take a while to backup a driver. But no error dialogs have been shown in our tests and the app did not hang or crash. In conclusion, DriverExtractor Keygen comprises all the necessary options for carrying out a driver backup task rapidly and without effort.


Ethan, 21 December 2018

спасибо за патч дляDriverExtractor

Leo, 27 May 2018

grazie mille per il keygen del DriverExtractor

Federico, 09 March 2018

спасибо, работает)

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