Auto Shut Down Serial Number Full Version

There are situations in which you just don't have the required time to wait for the computer to finish a task in order to shut it down. Luckily, applications like Auto Shut Down allow you to access power options for your computer system and have them scheduled.

This software doesn't require installation and is portable. This means that your Windows registry keys will remain intact and that you can also place Auto Shut Down on a removable device and use it on any computer.

Download Auto Shut Down Crack

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Rank 3.8
1395 3.8
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 48263
Systems Win All

The interface of the program is plain and simple. You can configure options when it comes to the timer (set hour and minute), action (shut down, reboot, log off) and action execution (count down, on specific time).

In addition you can view system information which revolves around the operating system, user name, CPU, speed, memory and currently used system resources.

The program takes up a very low amount of system memory and CPU. It doesn't contain any tips on how to use it, but that's because it is very easy to learn, even by novices.

On the other hand, you cannot set the timer to another day (the "set timer" option doesn't include a date) and you cannot configure any advanced options (e.g. shutdown computer if a specific program has been launched or if another process has finished a specific task).

The fact of the matter is that Auto Shut Down Keygen is a simple tool that comes equipped with the minimum elements you need when it comes to computer power management. It definitely needs some improvements but it doesn't freeze or crash. We recommend it to all users.


Melissa, 21 February 2018

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zaqueu, 26 May 2017

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Gianluca, 22 February 2017

Are you awesome

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