RufasSwap Crack Plus Activation Code

If you happen to find yourself in a situation when you don’t have access to the Internet and hence, no form of modern entertainment available, it may be a good idea to rely on classic games. Permuted picture puzzles, often known as sliding puzzles or tile puzzles, are mechanical puzzles that challenge players to rearrange pieces of an image or a pattern to form a specific picture or pattern.

RufasSwap is a digital version of the permuted picture puzzles and can provide entertainment for you and your loved ones when nothing else is available.

Download RufasSwap Crack

Software company
Rank 5.0
21 5.0
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 153
Systems Win 10 64 bit, Win 11

The tool doesn’t require installation, just decompress and hit the BAT file to get started. Unfortunately, the program doesn’t include an interface per se, but rather opens a console window where you can preview the available puzzle images. Simply select one and then press the Enter key to scramble it. As you would expect, the application doesn’t really have extra options, features or settings, which is not necessarily a downside considering its role.

In case you don’t like any of the pictures included by default, you can add your own images by copying them to the pix directory. Just make sure that the files are PNG, as the app doesn’t work with any other file format. A noteworthy feature is that it works on HiDpi, meaning that you can run it on modern devices capable of higher pixel density.

All in all, Rufaswap can be a great source of entertainment for you and your loved ones in situations you are bored. It's not only an enjoyable activity, but also a mentally stimulating game that can keep you engaged. You can challenge yourselves by rearranging the picture elements to solve the puzzle, and it can be a fun way to pass the time while also enhancing your problem-solving skills.


  • Revived OSX support, but without a bundle, & without using Xcode.


Max, 11 December 2023

Baie dankie vir die crack

Matthew, 06 December 2023

Thanks for the serial number for RufasSwap

Andrea, 10 November 2023

Baie dankie vir die crack

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