Plasma5ResChangeFix Crack + Serial Key

If you are using KDE Plasma 5 on the same computer that you are using for gaming, then there is a chance that you notice the graphical workspace environment can get buggy after exiting a game. More precisely, some users complained that after quitting a game they were playing in full screen and with low resolution, Plasma 5 does not automatically restore the original resolution of the workspace.

Plasma5ResChangeFix is essentially a fix for this particular problem and consists of two components, one that saves your current settings before entering the game and another that loads the aforementioned settings after quitting. As the developer points out, you can also combine the files into a single script that you place in the game directory and run the game using it.

Download Plasma5ResChangeFix Crack

Software company
Rank 5.0
34 5.0
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 128
Systems Win 10 64 bit, Win 11

Before running the scripts, you need to place them in the Home directory and make sure you have xdotools as well as xrandr installed, as they are used to change the resolution, edit window sizes and restore the desktop icon placement. It is important to note that the resfix_save file creates two additional files that are saved in the config folder, files that are used by resfix_load to restore the desktop.


  • KDE Plasma 5


Martin, 18 November 2023

salamat sa inyo para sa serial

luciano, 07 November 2023

Working... Great... Thanks for the Plasma5ResChangeFix crack

Keith, 03 November 2023

спасибі за патч для Plasma5ResChangeFix

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