PSCleaner Crack + Serial Number

Dealing with sensitive data when using the CSV format can be a nuisance especially if you're working in domains such as healthcare or generally in those that deal with lots of people and their private information such as phone numbers, addresses, and ID or social codes.

This is why employing the help of a cleaning tool is the way to go. PSCleaner is one offline solution for dealing with this particular issue, and it manages to attract people with its no network connection or online data policy.

Download PSCleaner Crack

Software company
Rank 1.0
112 1.0
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 1225
Systems Win 7, Win 7 64 bit, Win 8, Win 8 64 bit, Win 10, Win 10 64 bit

The program itself won't really surprise you with a plethora of options or settings. On the contrary, the app seems quite simple. You'll have to add your CSV file for cleansing and the program will indicate what columns or cells need readjustment for 100% privacy coverage.

The best part is that one can conduct specific searches based on already-created criteria that might serve as useful waypoints when in a hurry. If you're trying to sift through lots of files and are looking for specific categories such as street names, ethnicity-related info, dates or email addresses, the app can return those exact elements, provided they can be found in the file structure.

The program will ask the user to input paths for a couple of file types. For example, import files, processing files, export files, and template files, each go into a separate folder and should have an individually unique path for the app to recognize.

Tag viewer is another element pertaining to this app's structure. There's an extra feature that deals with checking the program's structure for any readjustments or changing purposes you might deem necessary. This, of course, is a feature for those who have some computer knowledge and know exactly what is to be changed.

PSCleaner Keygen is a simple application that will allow users to clean or eliminate personal information from CSV files offline. No need to use cloud services and risk exposing info you were trying to secure in the first place.


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Guilherme, 13 October 2021

Baie dankie vir die keygen PSCleaner

Michael, 30 September 2021

Merci beaucoup!

patrick, 23 September 2021


Jefferson, 12 September 2021

awesome! love it

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