DNS Roaming Client and Service Crack + Activator (Updated)

As the name suggests, DNS Roaming Client and Service is a tool that enables the proper configuration of the DNS servers. The tool addresses users who want to take full control over the DNS servers and customize it with various rules or policies, features that are not typically provided by the DNS a regular computer is connected to.

It is important to note that if there is no rule set in place for a given PC, then the app proceeds to create a default one. The rule is going to be applied when the computer is connected to any wireless networks or network addresses. At the same time, it sets the DNS server to Quad or CloudFlare to protect the workstation from malware more efficiently.

Download DNS Roaming Client and Service Crack

Software company
Rank 5.0
112 5.0
Crack size ~ 500KB
Downloads total 804
Systems Win 10, Win 10 64 bit, Win 11

According to the developer, the program needs to be run as Administrator and can be especially useful when attempting to block malware from the managed workstations. In this sense, the developer even provides recommendations to set the DNS to Quad9 for wireless networks and or Subnets for Ethernet connections.

The application has two parts, namely a client that shows the status of service and the actual DNS service where users can parse the rules and configure the server. Configuring the tool is done via the XML file that is stored in the %ProgramData%DNSRoaming folder.


  • Auto Update check every 3 days
  • Option to Enable/Disable auto updates in Settings (default is enabled)
  • NB: Auto Updates download from GitHub using the GitHub API and Octokit
  • .Net Framework 4.7


Tiago, 24 September 2021

awesome! love it

Renato, 23 September 2021

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Monica, 19 August 2021

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